Monday, December 22, 2008

My sweet Cami's birthday ~ 7!

Happy birthday girly! We were sad that Dad couldn't be there. This is the day that it snowed a lot! The freeway was shut down as were all routes into the Antelope Valley. We felt so bad that he couldn't be there. Mike has never missed a birthday. We said a prayer for him asking Heavenly Father to please bring him home safe and soon. About 15 minutes later Mike called and said that he was able to get on a train (the train stop not station....had at least 300 people waiting and fighting to get on a train) and that he would be home soon. Our prayer was answered. That was such a crazy day. A huge thanks to Nancy and Joe. Joe was so sweet and offered to pick Mike up from the train station here in Palmdale so I wouldn't have to drive with the kids on unsafe roads. Thanks so much you guys, you were a life saver that night! We were so blessed.
Camryn wanted sushi for her birthday dinner (which didn't happen due to the whole town shutting down from the snow) and a delicious chocolate bundt cake, also at the store that we couldn't get to. Thank goodness I always have cake mixes on hand and was able to whip this one up. Notice that I only had one candle too. Poor girl. That was also on my list of things to get that day when the kids would have been in school!

I love this paper and ribbon combo. I love it love it love it! Camryn also appreciates good paper too. I know it looks a bit old for a 7 year old but she loved it! She's a girl after my own heart. I hope we will still have lots in common when the teenage years hit!

Birthday card from Grandma Sheets! She loved the tiara inside tooo!

Ah yes the pettiskirt! Really cute pictures to come after Christmas!

Typical, Blake is making a face and Gavin and Camryn are buds (also typical.)

How happy is she????

Don't worry any of you cookie recipiants out there, they did not have any part in baking the cookies that were delivered! This was taken in the morning after we got the call confirming that there would be no school!


Anonymous said...

I can't believe how different she looks from just a few years ago. She's beautiful.

And, what? She wanted sushi for her birthday? Good girl! :)

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