Self portrait of Karen and me. Better than nothing! Karen really is smiling! Look at those beautiful blue eyes of hers!
Two weekends ago, I had the opportunity to attend Time Out For Women in San Diego. What an incredible experience! I really have never done anything like that b4 and I have to say that I have been missing out! My cup was overflowing. The music by Cheri Call and Kenneth Kope was amazing!!!!I felt the spirit through all the presenters there. I took away from it how to be a better mom with out the GUILT! How to keep my personal standards high and to help my children do the same. I almost felt like I had stepped back to those Young Women years. It was a great day. Thanks Karen for going with me and for driving both ways!! I highly reccomend it to anyone out there. It was a great Mother's Day present. Thanks to my hubby for taking the kids all day.