Sunday, September 14, 2008

Happy Anniversary!!

Today is our 12th wedding anniversary. I can't believe how fast it has gone by. We have gone through some rough patches here and there . I am so thankful to Mike for standing by me through them. He has had so much patience with me. As I get older I realize how blessed I am that he chose me with out any judgment. There were no real "prerequisites " from his point of view aside from our faith which we both wanted to marry within. I was such a snob to him when we were dating. I want this and I want that! And, my favorite......"Um, don't even think of asking me to marry you with anything less than a carat!" (Like a spoiled brat I got it) Why didn't he just run right there???? I am so glad that he didn't. He has taught me some real life lessons lovingly and patiently. I truly respect him and know that I am blessed to share my life with him here on earth and forever.
Thank you Mikey for 12 wonderful years, for 4 amazing kids and for being a wonderful provider for us. You work so hard and I thank you for giving me the gift of being able to stay at home with the kids I love you so much and I can't wait to see what the next twelve years will bring! Thanks for sharing this journey with me.
I love ya babe,


Linds and Thad said...

Hi Elaine! I'm glad I have another blogging buddy now! How do you customize the header at the top, just wondering. And my blog is

Michelle Marie Walton said...

Happy Anniversary! I thought of you both. I still remember the day you two were married. What a beautiful day that was. Congrats!

It's amazing when you experience life with trails that it brings you to the important things in life and closer to heavenly father.

Talia said...

Happy Anniversary!! We just had our 6 year anniversary and it flew by, so I know the next 6 years will go even faster! Hope you two had a wonderful day together!

Anthony's Blog-From Phila. said...

Hi Mike & Elaine:
A belated, but Happy Anniversary. Ours(Jay & Tony)was 9 years Sept. 18th. We are from Philadelphia, PA and have no children. I am much older than my picture indicates. I was 18 years old in that photo and am now 66 years old. You have a very nice blog. Keep it going! Mine you will see when you view this post. I hope my friends blog is on my site as well. His blog I believe is much more interesting than mine, but nevertheless, mine I believe is interesting as well. You have a very nice family, and my prayers go out to you and them as we try to make a difference to make the world a better place in caring and sharing with one another. God bless you and enjoy my blog.
...Anthony & Jay...

Michelle Marie Walton said...

How is weight watchers ?

Pemberley Court said...

Weight watchers is going good. I haven't been to a meeting though in 2 weeks! I've been sick. I know excueses excuses.

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