As I stated briefly in a prior post, we are now a homeschoolin' family! I know, I can't believe it either sometimes. I had been thinking about homeschooling since last October and didn't know why! It just kept popping up in my head that it was something that I needed to really ponder on. Finally Mike and I made the decision to homeschool this past March. We are now in our 4th week and feel like we have ironed out most of the kinks and we are all starting to adjust to being with one another a lot more! We are having a great time learning together and being closer as a family. Don't get me wrong, going from 3 kids in school all day and only a toddler at home to all 4 kids at home all day was a huge shock for all....but little by little day by day we are all finally in a routine and enjoying it. It's not easy being everything to everyone all of the time, I am looking forward to a spa day here really soon! I love my kids so much and feel so blessed to be their mother.
Apostle in Muncie
7 years ago
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